Ben-Gvir attempted to assert that the status quo, under which Jews can visit but not pray on the Temple Mount, no longer exists.
When it comes to the treatment of Jews who want to worship freely on the Temple Mount, this gov't has essentially continued Israel's discriminatory policies.
The "Rebel Youth," group said that "these brutal Zionist crimes and attacks will not go unpunished" in response.
Bendayahu guides have reported 235 brides and grooms visiting on their wedding day, 72 teenagers for their Bnei Mitzvahs, and another 2000 visiting under the guidance of Beyadenu.
Jordan’s delicate strategic status should not serve as a cover and pretext for echoing knowingly false and flawed accusations against its neighbor Israel.
Religious Zionism and Otzma Yehudit silent on Netanyahu's closure of the Temple Mount to Jewish visitors
Police allowed children to approach the Temple Mount in costumes deemed respectable for the holy site.
The Old City of Jerusalem is now accessible for wheelchairs. The Temple Mount and Mughrabi Bridge, however, remain untouched.
EU diplomats send message of Palestinian support and support of Jordan maintaining control over the Temple Mount.
UK minister for the Middle East affirms his belief that the Temple Mount should remain under Jordanian control while visiting the West Bank and PA