In a video of the event, the 18-year-old worker can be seen cursing at the soldiers in Arabic and forcefully throwing things at them with the intent to harm a soldier filming the incident.
On Thursday last week, shrapnel from a ballistic missile caused significant damage to the main building of the school, causing it to collapse.
"There was a huge boom, I felt the blast wave, and the house shook,” shared a city resident.
Oded Katash’s squad came out of the gates scoring at will as Hoard, Tamir Blatt, and Roman Sorkin all found points with ease to head into halftime with a 48-36 lead.
Natural Bonds is not only a home for animals, however: It is also a home for people.
With 109-102, Maccabi Ramat Gan is advancing to the Winner Cup semis.
Step by step, Newman sought a new way to live. He stopped exhibiting his works, embraced the teachings of the Buddha, moved to the northern moshava of Yavne’el.
The 24-year-old Israeli big man has seen marked improvement in his play over the past few years but took a huge leap in his debut season with Ramat Gan.
This is the best Japanese food I have had in Israel although I have not tried the non-kosher Japanese restaurants here.
Following a stunning sweep of Ramat Gan, Sharon Avrahami & Co. take on Hapoel Tel Aviv in semis.