Two Israeli EMTs met saving lives, forging a bond through crisis and commitment. Now, as they prepare to marry, their love story proves that even in chaos, love can thrive.
Gadi Danino was dispatched to Road 310 accident where he found his daughter Shahaf and her fiancé Eliav Abuksis, a couple who were set to marry in four months.
Eight other individuals were wounded in the attack and were transferred to hospital for further medical treatment.
The missile was intercepted before it could reach into Israeli territory.
MDA and Israel Police rushed to scene, and security guards neutralized the terrorist before arresting him.
President Herzog and other Israeli leaders commemorated the unparalleled efforts of MDA personnel over the past year.
MDA said that the three women showed no signs of life after the collision and were pronounced dead on the scene.
Criticizing the UN's failures, MDA’s Global President spoke of MDA's life-saving innovations and its critical role in securing Israel’s home front.
Authorities believe that the off-duty ambulance may have been tracking a stolen vehicle, which led the car to drive in the wrong direction, and resulted in the crash.
The two wounded were in severe and mild condition and were receiving medical treatment.