American Jews should ensure that Khalil is given full protection of the law, ensuring that their future rights under that law are protected, too.
Tehran began using aerial drone surveillance and a new facial recognition software in April 2024 to monitor hijab compliance in public spaces.
Ahmed also references other countries such as Sudan and Syria where there are ongoing humanitarian crises, accusing the UN body of only acknowledging such crises where Israel could be blamed.
Cotler worked as a McGill University law professor and was recognized as an eminent scholar of constitutional law, international law, and human rights law.
Intentional or not, the human rights regime has facilitated the Hamas agenda and hindered those that seek to stop them.
ADVOCACY AFFAIRS: ‘Just as Israel stood by me, I now stand by Israel,’ Egyptian-born minority rights activist tells ‘Post’
CENTER FIELD: Trump’s Gaza proposal sparked global outrage, but is it truly unthinkable, or just an overdue challenge to the status quo?
In the government’s statement, it was said that the resolution’s section regarding the IRGC was “completely unjustified.”
The documentary recounts the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel and calls for action against extremist ideologies.
With careful planning, a transition commission has the potential to inspire confidence and contribute to a more democratic and prosperous Iran, benefitting the Middle East and the wider world.