The Jerusalem Post Podcast with Tamar Uriel-Beeri and Sarah Ben-Nun.
We are touching history—not as something distant, something remembered, but as something unfolding beneath our feet.
Visitors of the exhibit will be treated to the sight of an extremely rare 17th century parchment scroll made in Ferrara by Moshe Ben Avraham Pescarol on loan from the National Library of Israel.
Domestic cats quickly gained popularity among China's elite, considered luxury pets at royal courts.
Set in 1941 Paris, the play portrays a fictional encounter between legendary Spanish painter Pablo Picasso and a certain Fräulein Fischer.
“Kate is obviously betrayed by this publication of the book; Etta is betrayed by the publishers.”
Launched in 1920, the Gazette was utilized by the British Mandate for official publications until it was discontinued in 1948, following the establishment of the State of Israel.
History will judge Israel’s leaders not only by their determination but by their wisdom in pursuing what is just and necessary for the survival of the Jewish state and not their own political legacy.
No miracle, no revelation, not even the most undeniable display of divine power will erase evil from this world. It remains our mission to fight it.
Over 180,000 remain unidentifiable.