Gift giant BUYME and the SMILE Association are joining forces, enabling you to donate all or part of your received BUYME gift cards.
There were 31,000 immigrants in 2024 alone, from approximately 100 different countries.
The "Yuval Fund," in honor of fallen IDF reserves Captain Yuval Silber, who was killed in action in November 2023, has provided over $4 million to reservists in loans, the organization said.
This week, Chava Rivky Amsel traveled to Israel to meet her donor, an Israeli soldier and was accompanied by her family
Since the outbreak of the war, KKL-JNF has been working on behalf of the Druze community to provide assistance to families that have been affected by the war in Israel’s North.
"Rabbi Kogan's work, in partnership with the bold and positive vision of the Emirati government, has been a shining light in the world and a strong counter to the history of division," Kushner wrote.
The donation makes the museum's Chinese ceramics collection the largest outside China, with 10,000 items displayed in a dedicated gallery.
L'Oréal Israel and the nonprofit organization Latet have launched a social initiative to provide beauty treatments to women in challenging situations across Israel,
The campaign finance system is deeply flawed. It can't be fixed until all three branches of government decide it's time to clean it up, and they don't seem very interested.
Tenufa Bakehila provides a safety net to thousands of Israelis throughout the country.