The asteroid has been given a rating of 3 out of 10, indicating a "close encounter, meriting attention by astronomers."
Weeks after the asteroid's discovery, China’s defense agency announced three key vacancies in its planetary defense initiative.
The next close approach of asteroid 2024 YR4 is projected for December 22, 2032, when it may pose a potential danger, with an estimated 1.2% chance of impact.
Using the ESA's measurement, asteroid 2024 YR4 may range anywhere from 200 to 500 Squishmallows, or roughly half of the size of the average child's collection.
Spectroscopic analysis shows PT5 matches lunar rocks collected during Apollo missions.
An asteroid the size of around nine reindeer - coincidentally, how many reindeer Santa Claus supposedly uses - is set to pass by the Earth on Christmas.
NASA is set to track a sizable near-Earth object, asteroid 2024 XN1, which is expected to pass relatively close to Earth on December 24.
The asteroid is the 11th to have been detected by scientists before impacting Earth. However, due to its small size, it did not cause any damage.
Researchers discovered a 3.26-billion-year-old asteroid impact acted as 'giant fertilizer bomb,' aiding early microbial life.
When Apophis was discovered in 2004, initial calculations indicated that it could approach Earth with a risk of collision.