global warming

Toyota’s electric cars will have wireless charging, thanks to Israeli tech

A new deal between Toyota and Electreon will yield built-in wireless charging for future Toyota EVs, as well as an easy-to-install kit.

Israeli heatwaves are going to keep getting worse - study

Global warming is going to keep causing extreme weather phenomena, leading to heatwave mortality to increase tenfold.

Moon dust could be used to shield Earth from global warming - study

Lunar dust was found to have the perfect properties to provide shielding from the sun.

A diver in the Great Barrier Reef region

Australia denies permission for coal mine near Great Barrier Reef

The world's biggest coral reef is already suffering from the impact of climate change and the risk of further pollution would be too great.


Primate ancestors survived extreme climate change 50 million years ago - study

According to new research out of the University of Kansas, early primates were able to adapt to life in the warm climate of prehistoric Canada. 

Winter in Israel.

Why has Israel's winter been more like spring?

The Meteorology Service says that this winter has been Israel’s driest winter in 60 years, and the temperatures have stayed mild throughout. 

Is Smart AC the key to fighting climate change?

Companies like Sensibo are developing AI-driven air conditioning.

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