A court hearing on the government's drafting of yeshiva students for the IDF, at the High Court

High Court concludes debate on haredi IDF conscription in high-stakes hearing

A poll published by Army Radio on Sunday, conducted by Manu Geva's Midgam Institute, found that 81% of haredim supported the view that haredim should not join the IDF at all.

German grandson of Nazis comes to Israel during war to enlist in IDF

In January, Edgar came to Israel, where he began volunteering and assisting soldiers on various bases. During his visit, he decided that he wanted to enlist in the IDF.

The horror! Hamas's Oct. 7 atrocities and Israel's actions in Gaza - excerpt

"The horror! The horror!" That applies to both what Hamas did on October 7 and what Israel has been doing in Gaza since then.


Let October 7 failure lead to a stronger military, government, and people

Despite an inspiring influx of volunteers bolstering resolve, conversations with IDF members, elderly citizens who have experienced this before, and these volunteers reveal an underlying despondency


Who can declare victory if a ceasefire would leave Hamas in power?

What did Israel accomplish? It didn’t even defeat a terror group that had 20-30,000 fighters. When powerful countries fight weaker enemies the powerful country has more to lose via missteps.

IDF strikes Hamas, Al-Noor terror group in continued Gaza operations

The IDF also killed Salame Barake, who was a Hamas operative in the eastern Khan Yunis Battalion and Head of Finance in the Hamas Police. 

IDF eliminates three major Hamas operatives, impeding terror capabilities in Israel, West Bank

The Israeli air force eliminated Mansur Aadel Mansur Kashalan, Walid Abed Abu Dalal and Tareq Darwish.

America is next: South African minister says countries aiding Israel liable for ICC prosecution

“[Speaker Johnson] said that if the ICC is allowed to threaten Israel's leaders, then we know that America will be next. Our response is: Of course!" Pandor exclaimed.


Rafah operation begins: Recapping the last two weeks in Israel

Israeli news highlights from the past two weeks.


Taking over the Philadelphi Corridor is a knockout for Hamas, but also problematic

For Hamas - as long as the Corridor was active, it and the area adjacent to it would function as the organization's "strategic depth" - a sort of city of refuge.

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