Gaza hostages

The four stages of Hamas’s psychological warfare

Recent propaganda videos featuring Israeli hostages, including Sasha Trupanov, and false claims of abducted soldiers, underscore a brutal strategy to attack Israel through fear and manipulation.


Radiohead’s Jonny Greenwood performs in Tel Aviv, demonstrates for hostage release

Radiohead, one of the world’s most popular bands, has performed in Israel numerous times since 1993.


Released Hamas hostage, Sapir Cohen, visits South Africa to inspire and bring hope

"I wanted to share the truth of October 7 and to campaign for the release of all hostages including my boyfriend Sasha Trupanov."

Terrorists open fire at Bat Hefer, IDF announces three dead soldiers

Mexico files to intervene in ICJ case against Israel • US pier damaged • Doctor reveals how Hamas exploits hospitals

'Unimaginable lawlessness': Tel Aviv students clash with father of hostage

The confrontation began when one of the demonstrators told Albag: "You have nothing to do here, get out of here, move."

Luxembourg's Prime Minister Xavier Bettel speaks to media in Brussels, Belgium July 2, 2019

'What would you do?': Luxembourg FM meets with Israel Katz, hostage family members

"Imagine that your neighbors come and, depending on the population, murder 150 people and kidnap 12 citizens - what would Luxembourg do?" asked hostage father Eli Albag

PIJ releases video of Gaza hostage Alexander Trupanov

The Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, published the video in multiple groups on Telegram.

IDF soldiers operate in the Gaza Strip on May 20, 2024

The lost war in Gaza is not the end of Israel

Hamas already won on Oct. 7 when it embarrassed the Israeli military by overrunning bases, killing Israelis, and taking hostages. But Israel's future remains secure as it considers new strategies.


Women Wage Peace demand action for Gaza hostages amid ongoing war against Hamas

Day after day, a rota of women from our movement, dressed in white and turquoise, go wherever the families of the hostages call.


The horrific ordeal the hostages experience in Gaza demands immediate action

By abandoning these hostages, we risk scarring our society in ways from which we may never recover. Enough is enough.

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