Yesh Atid

Yesh Atid petitions High Court to convene Judicial Selection Committee

The altering of the Judicial Selection Committee has been a key component of the judicial reform from the outset.

Four MKs apply to vacant Judicial Selection Committee spot as repeat vote nears

The opposition does not intend to appoint one of its members to the committee, but put forward two candidates in order to prevent an attempt by the coalition to delay the vote once again.

Israeli election poll: Gantz's influence is waning, while Netanyahu and Lapid gain strength

New polling showed that National Unity had weakened in the face of renewed judicial reform debate hinting increased polarization on the topic.

Israeli election poll: Blue and White party leads as coalition struggles to gain majority

According to the survey, the Blue and White party led by Benny Gantz continues to lead with 28 mandates.

Coalition MKs 'screwed' Netanyahu by voting for Elharrar - Likud lawmakers

Coalition MKs who voted for Elharrar did so out of 'decency,' Lapid says • National Unity's Ze'ev Elkin: I knew of coalition MKs voting for Elharrar

No judicial reform deal not before judge selection panel meets - Lapid

Yesh Atid said in a statement on Sunday that there would be no agreements until the Judicial Selection Committee convenes and begins its work.

Lapid and Gantz go from united duo to trouble in paradise

INSIDE POLITICS: The one who gains the most from the former couple’s bickering and infighting is Netanyahu, who is well known for his ability to split, divide and conquer his rivals.


Coalition shoots down bill to build fortified emergency room in Sderot

The bill would have had the state provide NIS 6 million for the construction of the emergency room.

'Post-Zionist agendas' entered Israel's court system, Yariv Levin charges

Lapid and Gantz meet on Judicial Selection Committee • Gideon Sa'ar tells justice minister to 'go hospitalize himself'

Netanyahu's Likud drops in polls, one week after Gaza operation

Benny Gantz’s National Unity Party would receive 28 seats, compared with 27 last week and 31 two weeks ago.

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