product review

Shoes or cosmetics: what do Israelis buy during the "November holidays"?

Discover what Israelis buy most during November's online shopping days. Find out the most popular sales sites and how many are shopping online due to COVID-19.


Israel chews: 650 million chewing gums per year

Get insights on chewing gum consumption in Israel, where 650 million individual gums are consumed annually.


Young gamers sit for long hours - we tested chairs for the young gamers

The young gamers sit for long hours in front of the screens. The gaming chair is an integral part of the gaming experience - we tested two such chairs that guarantee full support.


Sick of shopping? This is the day you must meet

If you are addicted to shopping, you should know about Memorial Day in the USA, which contrary to its name has actually become a day of shopping celebration


Consulting Google's AI - The astonishing answers from Gemini

Following the Sono music generator experience, we delve into Google's AI "Gemini", amazed by the results and exploring vital cautions for your interaction with this innovative technology.

Phone (2a) by Nothing - a new player in the intermediate category

British startup Nothing's new smartphone puts them in the busy mid-range category. The Phone (2a) wants you to like it thanks to the special look, the backlight and the price.


The LANCÔME brand presents a new era for anti-aging: RÉNERGIE Triple Serum

Lancome introduces a new era of anti-aging with RENERGIE Triple Serum, a powerful combination of 3 active ingredients for triple effectiveness.


Grill time: All types of barbecues - from NIS 10 to tens of thousands

Upgrade your Independence Day barbecue experience with new innovations and suggestions to light up the grill for the glory of Israel. Get ready to grill and wallet up!


A 27% increase in the purchase of giant refrigerators

Exploring the rise in demand for 120 cm wide refrigerators: Advantages of stainless steel shelves, vegetable drawers, and adding color to your kitchen appliance palette


First online site for 'Nautica Home' brand with NIS 20 million investment

"Nautica Home" products, currently sold in stores, to expand online globally with a new site and physical branches, a NIS 20 million investment in the online platform.

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