Rav Pinto on the war: Don’t worry and don’t be anxious

  (photo credit: Shuva Israel)
(photo credit: Shuva Israel)

In a talk he gave in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto referred to the threats on Israel and calmed down those who were worrying | He iterated: “If we are devoted to the Torah, we will be saved from fearful developments and the sufferings of Moshiach’s times

Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto, the head of the worldwide Shuva Israel community who is presently visiting Argentina, is the honored guest of the Jewish community. In the framework of one of the talks which he delivered this week, he referred to the complicated security situation in Israel and the great worry felt by world Jewry.

Rabbi Pinto explained that while thank God, “the Jewish people are today living at a time when Torah is flourishing, people are doing many good deeds and acts of kindness, and we have holy communities, God has been sending us messages for a long time, whether it was the corona pandemic or other difficult things like the war.

  (credit: Shuva Israel)Enlrage image
(credit: Shuva Israel)

“There is something not right in how we are responding,” Rabbi Pinto explained. He added, “Unfortunately, there are still manifestations of baseless hatred, slander, one person persecuting another, and envy. These things cause us the suffering we are experiencing.”

Rabbi Pinto related to the war in Israel and the great worry felt all over. “Due to our sins, we are in a situation where our enemies are attempting to annihilate us, and if we are not stronger and smarter, there will be worse things facing us.”

He related, “Already for a few days, we have been receiving many hundreds of requests and questions from frightened people. Questions such as ‘What will be?’ ‘What will happen?’

“Nothing will happen! The Holy One will save us. ‘The guardian of Israel will guard the remnant of Israel.’ Don’t worry and don’t be anxious!” 

“However,” he emphasized, “one has to know that just as long ago they brought offerings to God to the Temple in Jerusalem, we today also have to learn Torah and be devoted to our holy Torah with all our strength. As much as we are devoted to the Torah, to that degree we will be saved from fearful developments and the sufferings of Moshiach’s times.”

This article was written in cooperation with Shuva Israel