Time for a full reboot: All 120 knesset members must go - opinion

It's time to replace the current leadership with fresh faces who prioritize Israel's future over personal gain. The events of October 7 are a stark reminder that change is overdue.

Inside the Knesset building. (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)
Inside the Knesset building.
(photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)

Israel’s political landscape has sunk to an unprecedented low. The leaders entrusted with our nation’s future have repeatedly failed us, driving the country deeper into division, economic hardship, and insecurity. Public trust in the Knesset as an institution has plummeted to an all-time low, with recent studies showing that only 10% of the public still believes in its leadership. 

This stark reality underscores the urgent need for a total overhaul – every member of the Knesset must be replaced. We need fresh faces, new ideas, and leadership that prioritizes the well-being of Israel over personal gain.

The time has come for the leaders of yesterday – those responsible for our country’s decline, culminating in the October 7 massacre by Hamas terrorists– to step aside. They must declare: “Our shift is over.”

They should hand over the reins to the leaders of tomorrow; individuals who are clean, untainted by personal agendas, and driven by a sense of duty to the nation, not themselves. If the politicians of today fail to step down, the public will make that choice for them. The country cannot afford to wait any longer.

Across the political spectrum, from Right to Left, our leaders have demonstrated an alarming inability to guide Israel toward a better future. The failures are glaring and cut across every area of public life. The people of Israel deserve leaders who can deliver real results, not empty promises. Instead, we are subjected to a parade of incompetence and self-interest.

 A plenum session and a vote on reviving the Ultra Orthodox enlistment bill at the assembly hall of the Knesset, the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem on June 11, 2024. (credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)Enlrage image
A plenum session and a vote on reviving the Ultra Orthodox enlistment bill at the assembly hall of the Knesset, the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem on June 11, 2024. (credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)

The crossroads

Our nation stands at a crossroads, and the direction we choose will determine the fate of future generations. With trust in the Knesset at historic lows, it’s time for the current political class to step aside and make way for new leadership that can restore faith in our political institutions and rebuild our country.

The tragic events of October 7 serve as a stark reminder of this failure. On the eve of the massacre, our leaders – across the board – led Israel to a historic point of weakness. The internal rift that fueled our vulnerability was not only evident to us but also recognized by our enemies. Yet, not one leader had the courage to say “enough.” 

This lack of unity and vision has left Israel exposed and divided. Those who have driven us to this point cannot be trusted to lead us forward. They are the greatest threat to our future, and they must go.

In addition to this grim picture is the pervasive culture of corruption that has taken root in Israeli politics. It knows no political affiliation. Whether on the Left or Right, our current leaders have proven they are more interested in serving themselves than the people of Israel. 

The Israeli public has grown wise to this game; we see clearly now that the heads of our parties and their leaders are out for themselves, not for us. We cannot allow these politicians to continue managing our nation. The system itself has become corrupt, and only by replacing it with clean, accountable, and responsible leadership can we hope to restore integrity to our government.

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Israel's economy

MEANWHILE, ISRAEL’S economy is under significant strain, and our society is fraying at the seams. Social gaps have widened, the cost of living has skyrocketed, and public services have deteriorated. Our leaders have failed to provide the economic stability and social equity that every Israeli deserves. 

Trust in their ability to lead has eroded, and for good reason. The public can no longer rely on them. To renew Israel’s economy, reduce disparities, and put our nation back on the right track, we must turn to new leaders. This cannot happen as long as the current political establishment remains in power.

The security of our nation has also been compromised by a lack of coherent leadership. In the aftermath of October 7, politicians and military leaders scrambled to rewrite history, pointing fingers at Netanyahu alone for the failed “containment policy” toward Hamas. But let’s be clear: while Netanyahu bears responsibility, he was not alone. Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot, former chiefs of staff, supported this policy.

Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid, as prime ministers, did nothing to change the equation. Avigdor Liberman, as defense minister, failed to address the threat posed by Hamas, only to abandon the government when election fever set in. Their confused policies and lack of long-term vision are harming our national security and the safety of our citizens. Israel needs new, strong, and focused leadership to bring true security and stability to our nation. The current leaders are simply not capable of delivering that.

Our political leaders have also exacerbated divisions among the public. Instead of promoting unity, they play on our differences for their own political gain, leaving the country more fractured than ever. A government dependent on the whims of National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir or beholden to the delusions of Meretz’s extremists cannot serve the interests of the Israeli people. It is a government that is failing at its most fundamental duty.

This divisive politics has no place in Israel’s future. It’s time for new leadership that will unite the people of Israel, end the old, destructive ways, and focus on the good of the entire nation.

THE CURRENT political class has failed Israel on every front. The situation is dire, but it is not hopeless. As we approach the next elections, we must seize the opportunity to bring in new parties and fresh candidates who embody the vision, integrity, and courage necessary to lead our nation forward. 

With public trust in the Knesset at an all-time low, the responsibility is ours to ensure that those who have failed us are replaced with new leaders who will prioritize the future of Israel above all else. It’s time for us to choose a different path.

The writer is an Israeli businessman, thought leader, activist, and host of the Hebrew podcast The Leadership of Tomorrow.