Get to know Jerusalem Post reader Evan Hershenson is getting to know members of our Facebook community and sharing their stories with the world: "Even though I am living in New York, I stand with Israel," says Hershenson.

Evan Hershenson and his wife Kimberly (photo credit: Courtesy)
Evan Hershenson and his wife Kimberly
(photo credit: Courtesy)
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Evan Hershenson
Tell us about yourself. 

I am 41 years old. I live in Manhattan on the Upper West Side with my wife and 3 kids. 5, 3, and 4 months. I am involved in a few businesses. My primary business is Frenchie Mini Couture, a baby & children’s clothing and accessories company.


What's your favorite thing about Israel?

There’s so much of Israel to love! I love my friends and relatives there – so that is 1st and foremost. Besides that I would probably say the rugelach from Marzipan!


What's your greatest accomplishment?

Great question! I think being married and a father of 3 in Manhattan is pretty big accomplishment. In addition, I think it’s amazing that some of my best friends are ones that I’ve known since Kindergarten! One of them lives in Israel!

What's your biggest dream?

To find the fountain of youth! Just kidding. I pray every day for the health and well being of my family and the Jewish people all around the world.

What message would you want to give to Jerusalem Post readers all around the world?

Even though I am living in New York, I stand with Israel. I advocate on her behalf and do my best to support Israel in various ways. The Jewish people need to come together and recognize that Israel is America’s greatest ally and stand up to those who question Israel’s right to exist.