Florida man adds swastikas to menus, changes allergy info at Disney

On menus that included a QR code, Scheuer reportedly diverted the link to websites on boycotting Israel, according to Business Insider.

 A float with people dressed as characters from the Walt Disney movie "Peter Pan" is seen as people attend the "Festival of Fantasy" parade at the Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom theme park in Orlando, Florida, U.S. July 30, 2022 (photo credit: REUTERS/OCTAVIO JONES/FILE PHOTO)
A float with people dressed as characters from the Walt Disney movie "Peter Pan" is seen as people attend the "Festival of Fantasy" parade at the Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom theme park in Orlando, Florida, U.S. July 30, 2022

Former Disney menu production manager Michael Scheuer admitted to tampering with the company's allergen information, diverting QR links to anti-Israel sites and adding a swastika to menus as part of a plea deal, according to media reports and court filings from this week.

Authorities charged Florida resident Scheuer in October with causing the transmission of a program, information, code, or command to a protected computer and intentionally causing damage. He pled guilty on Friday to hacking and one count of aggravated identity theft.

"Namely, the threat actor manipulated the allegy information on menus by adding information to some allergen notifications that indicated certain menu items were safe for individuals with peanut allergies, when in fact they could be deadly to those with peanut allergies," the complaint states. 

Disney claimed the costs associated with the damages reached a total of $150,000, according to the complaint.

 Pooh with Tigger and Eeyore at the Shanghai Disney Resort in 2019. (credit: Wikimedia Commons)Enlrage image
Pooh with Tigger and Eeyore at the Shanghai Disney Resort in 2019. (credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Court documents show that the former employee also changed the origins listed for wines to locations of mass shootings. On menus that included a QR code, Scheuer reportedly diverted the link to websites on boycotting Israel, according to Business Insider.

Disgruntled former employee

Disney terminated Scheuer months prior to the charges for reasons cited as misconduct.

Now awaiting a sentence, Scheur reportedly faces up to 10 years imprisonment, with two years being the mandatory minimum. Additionally, he has reportedly agreed to pay damages to the victims, including Disney.

Scheuer's attorney, David Haas told CNBC Scheuer is "prepared to accept responsibility for his conduct."

"Unfortunately, he has mental health issues that were exacerbated when Disney fired him upon his return from paternity leave," Haas claimed.