Despite the famous saying of the late Stephen Hawking ‘to ask what was before Big Bang is the same as to ask what is to the north of the North Pole’, scientists come up, from time to time, with ideas about the origin of the Big Bang. (Beyond the Big Bang essay, New Scientist magazine, 4th December 2021)
One such idea was developed in 2001 by the Nobel Prize winner Paul Steinhardt. The essence of his idea was that our four-dimensional cosmos is situated on a ‘brane’, a lower-dimensional object floating in a higher-dimensional space. Steinhardt attributed the creation of our universe to the process of collision of two ‘branes’.
In the 1980’s, the late Stephen Hawking and James Hartle proposed the ‘no-boundary’ model of the origin of our universe, which meant that the universe we see today could be a result of many valid histories. According to their theory, the many histories began in a timeless point where a superposition of possible historical universes popped into existence from nothing.
The model of ‘no-boundary’ universe fits with the so-called ‘holographic principle’, which states that the 4D universe, including gravity, is mathematically equivalent to the physics on its 3D boundary without gravity. From that follows that the world we see around us is a holographic projection of information from the edge of reality.
Another interesting idea about the origin of our spacetime is the so-called Big Boil model. It was proposed by Bei Lok Hu, a theorist at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. His idea suggests that our spacetime appeared as a result of the process analogous to the condensation of gas to liquid. According to Hu, before the condensation took place, the atoms of space existed as some nebulous netherworld bereft of time and geometry. That means that the Big Bang was just a moment of Big Condensation.
The position of The Kabbalah of Information
Let me remind the reader that:
- According to the General Theory of Relativity, the necessary condition for the existence of a singularity in the center of a Black Hole is the maximality of our spacetime.
- All the calculations and theories in the physics of Black Holes were produced on the assumption that our universe is a closed system.
According to Kabbalah of Information, our universe is just a part of the Creation, and hence it is not closed and our spacetime is not maximal.
The Informational Space of the Creation is composed of the worlds which differ one from another by dimensionality, and the complexity of their informational concepts. In the Kabbalah of Arizal, the process of transitioning from one world to another is described using the analogy of ‘light coming through the curtain’ and occurs through the Sefira Malchut.
In the Kabbalah of Information, the process of transition means the compression of information, and the reduction of the dimensionality and complexity of concepts. Here we can draw a clear analogy with a phase transition as in the ‘Big Boil’ model. As a result of the abovementioned transition, informational entropy goes down.
In my opinion, in the center of Black Holes there is an area of transition from our 4D world (Asiya) to the world of Yetzira with an increase in the number of dimensions, the complexity of the concepts, and informational entropy.
In order to illustrate this, we can use a simplified example. Let’s imagine a piece of paper – a 2D world. We put on this piece of paper a cylinder – a 3D world. The perimeter of the circle at the base of the cylinder is analogous to the event horizon of a Black Hole.
According to the ‘no hair’ theorem, we can know only the mass, electrical charge, and angular momentum of a Black Hole, but we cannot know the structure and nature of the material which has formed it. That means that we have only quantitative uncategorized information. Psychists have posed the question about the fate of structural information in Black Holes.
It is important to note that the Big Bang also represented quantitative uncategorized information, which entailed the appearance of the structural information of our world. But the question about the origin of this structural information is seldom asked.
In case of Black Holes and the Big Bang, the uncategorized information which we can know is mass. There are many definitions of the notion of mass is physics. One of them says that mass is a quantity of matter. In the Kabbalah of Information, mass is a quantity of uncategorized information. From that point of view, we can consider the process of Black Hole formation as the opposite of the Big Bang. In the former, structural information disappears, while in the latter it appears.
Taking into account the abovementioned mechanism of the transition from one world to another, we can state that in the case of the Big Bang, the ratio between Chesed and Gevura was high enough to produce structural information. In the case of a Black Hole, the ratio between Chesed and Gevura is low. As a result, structural information disappears.
From that we can conclude that the Information Loss Paradox does not exist, and that structural information is stored in the informational space of the Creation.
Another important conclusion relates to the Generalized Second Law of Thermodynamics, which, according to the position of the Kabbalah of information, should be considered within the frame of the whole informational space of the Creation.
One of the main tenets of the Kabbalah of Information is that Tzimzum was a huge leap from absolute uncertainty about Ein Sof to certainty, i.e., the creation of information and informational entropy. Since the Creation is a dynamic structure comprising interconnected informational worlds with a continuous flow of information, we cannot consider the Creation to be a closed system. Consequently, the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which describes the systems in a state close to equilibrium, is applicable just ‘quasi’ locally.
I conclude this article with a citation from essay The Great Black Hole Paradox essay by Paul Davies published in the New Scientist magazine ‘You could fall through a Black Hole and come out in a completely different space. Then there needn’t be an information paradox. The information about the infalling matter could simply traverse their wormhole and continue to exist in the other region of space time. As long as we humans are restricted to our spacetime region, information is lost, but taken a G-d’s eye view, information would be conserved.’
Drawing an even more important conclusion, the Ein Sof is the Only Singularity in Creation.
To purchase Eduard Shyfrin’s book ‘From Infinity to Man: The Fundamental Ideas of Kabbalah Within the Framework of Information Theory and Quantum Physics’ please click here.
To purchase Eduard Shyfrin’s book ‘Travels with Sushi in the Land of the Mind’ please click here.