'Stewart, Letterman joke about Sanchez controversy'
Letterman tells Stewart on Comedy Central's "Night of Too Many Stars," that he dropped by to help "Rick Sanchez clean out his office."
By ASSOCIATED PRESS, JPOST.COM STAFFStewart_Letterman(photo credit: Associated Press)After CNN fired news anchor Rick Sanchez on Friday, TV hosts Jon Stewart and David Letterman joked about the controversy on Saturday while hosting Comedy Central's "Night of Too Many Stars," according to The Hollywood Reporter.Stewart was quoted as saying, "If you went on radio and said the Jews control the media...you may want to hold on to your money." The publication said that Stewart also suggested that, if Sanchez was right about the Jews, "All he has to do is apologize to us, and we'll hire him back."RELATED:CNN's Rick Sanchez fired after comments on JewsLater, Letterman made an appearance and told Stewart he was in the city "helping Rick Sanchez clean out his office," reported the publication.On Thursday, while speaking at a satellite radio interview with Pete Dominick, Sanchez, host of the two-hour "Rick's List" on CNN's afternoon lineup, had said that Stewart is bigoted toward "everybody else that's not like him." He said Stewart "can't relate to what I grew up with," saying his family had been poor and he had seen prejudice directed at his father. Sanchez dismissed it when Dominick pointed out that Stewart, who is Jewish, is also a minority."I'm telling you that everyone who runs CNN is a lot like Stewart and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart, and to imply that somehow they, the people in this country who are Jewish, are an oppressed minority?" Sanchez said, adding a sarcastic "yeah."