Israel News

Israel news features every important moment from the Jewish State involving politics, celebrities, and innovation. This is the hard hitting, fast paced news that represents the Jewish nation in an un bias frame so that truth about Israel is represented in the media. There is no other substitute for the best Israel news on the web...

Rashi Foundation CEO: 'We need to focus on renewed growth'

Sderot Mayor Alon Davidi, Rashi CEO Michal Cohen, and photojournalist Chen Schimmel discuss rebuilding hope.

Haredi parties Shas and UTJ announce support for hostage deal

Both of the Knesset's haredi parties, Shas and United Torah Judaism, have expressed support for the hostage deal proposed by US President Joe Biden.

Budget deficit could pass 10% at years end, opposition MKs warn

The result is that ahead of the 2025 budget, the state will either need to reduce its spending, which could affect its ability to provide services; or raise taxes.

Aliyah form mentioning mental illness sees new change

The previous form, dating to 2014, which immigrants had to fill to change their status from tourist to immigrant, included a clause mentioning whether the immigrant suffered from a mental illness.

Three doses of tragicomic drama: An Evening with Tennessee Williams

Tennessee Williams (1911-1983) was a highly influential American playwright who explored themes of human frailty and resilience


Secular kibbutz is harvesting wheat for matzah for next year's Passover

Beyond the headlines: A weekly glimpse into the Israel you won’t read about in the news.

Israeli Defense Ministry to acquire nation's third F-35 fighter jet squadron

A ministry statement said that the agreement was signed by Brig.-Gen. (Ret.) Mishel Ben Baruch and that it included 25 F-35 aircraft manufactured by Lockheed Martin.

Druze rower qualifies for Paralympic games with Jewish counterpart

Injured in a terror attack in 2005, Saleh Shaheen’s story is one of resilience, persistence and trust.


New Lev Esh project champions mental health initiative for Israel's healing

Philanthropist Olessia Kantor offered hope amidst national trauma at the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference.

 Participants in the Jerusalem Day Flag Parade gather outside the Old City's Damascus Gate

Jerusalem Day flag parade to march through Muslim Quarter in shadow of war

This year, under the shadow of the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, tensions are even higher.

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