Israel News

Israel news features every important moment from the Jewish State involving politics, celebrities, and innovation. This is the hard hitting, fast paced news that represents the Jewish nation in an un bias frame so that truth about Israel is represented in the media. There is no other substitute for the best Israel news on the web...

Richard Gere stars in 'Longing,' a remake of an Israeli film

The remake, starring Richard Gere, is set in the US, and is being remade by the Israeli director who originally directed and created the film.

Aharon Barak resigns from Hague panel, citing family-personal reasons

The Israeli government will now need to decide whether or not to select a new judge to replace Barak on the International Court of Justice.

JCFA Head Dan Diker: 'We really have to think out of the box'

Dan Diker, President of the Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs speaks with Mossab Hassan Yousef,  “the Green Prince,” son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef.

Hezbollah is using attacks to test Israel’s capabilities

"Hezbollah’s precision strikes on Hurfeish reveal a deadly evolution in their tactics. What does this mean for Israel’s defenses?

Israel looks to ban new de-facto Palestinian embassies in Jerusalem

The bill, which was authorized by MKs from the Likud and National Unity parties, is designed to prevent a new campaign to open consulates in east Jerusalem that service Palestinians.

Former IDF Maj.-Gen.: We will not have the total victory Bibi vowed

Former IDF Major General Gershon Hacohen discussed renewing prisoner exchange talks on 103FM radio with Udi Segal and Anat Davidov.

 Medical teams waiting at the Ziv Medical center in Safed, northern Israel, June 5, 2024

At least 11 people wounded by Hezbollah attack near Hurfeish, Upper Galilee

"A short while ago, a number of launches that were identified from Lebanon fell in the area of Hurfeish in northern Israel. No sirens were sounded, the incident is under review," the IDF said.

  L-R: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; Minister Benny Gantz

'Netanyahu leaves us no choice': National Unity considering leaving government

Following Minister Gadi Eizenkot's fiery speech, MK Matan Kahana stated that his party, 'Lacks influence in key government matters, staying is becoming unnecessary.'


'Iran planning a Holocaust for us within two years,' Liberman says

Former defense minister Avigdor Liberman warned that Iran's axis plans to attack Israel from all fronts within two years.

 Itamar Ben-Gvir seen during Jerusalem Day celebrations outside the Jerusalem Great Synagogue

'Jerusalem is ours, Temple Mount is ours,' Ben-Gvir declares at Jerusalem Day flag march

In total, 18 suspects were arrested during the flag march for violent offenses, assaults, threats, and disorderly conducts.

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