Israel News

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 Otzma Yehudit leader and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir speaks at the Knesset

Ben-Gvir: Netanyahu refused to show me text of hostage deal proposal

Netanyahu's reluctance to show Ben-Gvir the text of the hostage deal came on the backdrop of the fact that the deal was not presented to the statutory National Security Cabinet due to fears of leaks.

 Yair Lapid attends a protest calling for the release of hostages held in the Gaza Strip

Israel should finalize Gaza hostage deal 'today,' Yair Lapid says

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is planning to meet with far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir to discuss the deal. 

 PRESIDENT ISAAC HERZOG and his Michal greet actor Michael Douglas at the President’s residence

Michael Douglas visits with hostage families, tours massacre sites

Douglas, who is Hollywood royalty by his father, the late star Kirk Douglas, also went to see the ruins of Kibbutz Be’eri.

Sporting Jews: The rise, fall, and rise of the 'muscular Jew'

The innovative 21st-century museum, inaugurated during the 22nd Maccabiah in 2022, depicts an under-recounted aspect of the development of Jewish identity and Zionism. 

WIZO in Strasbourg, 2009

WIZO’s annual gender wage gap report shows fair salary gender equality in workforce

WIZO’s 2023 wage gap report shows balanced pay and gender equality, reflecting their commitment to promoting women's rights in Israel, with 84% female workforce.

Israeli director tackles film about a class trip to Poland

Saban said that the toughest task for him was to put aside his perspective as an adult and recapture the feeling of what it was like to be in Poland and at the death camps at age 17. 

Israeli MMA fighter survives assassination attempt in Ukraine

Israeli MMA fighter Haim Gozali, his son, and coach survived an assassination attempt in Ukraine. Local police attempted to silence incident and deported Gozali.


Sold out Nas Daily summit takes place in Tel Aviv with over 1,000 participants

‘We signed a contract while missiles were on their way from Iran to Tel Aviv,” tells viral content creator Nuseir Yassin, also known as Nas Daily, during global Tel Aviv summit.

David Levy speaks near the Erez Crossing in Gaza, September 13, 1999

Former Israeli foreign minister, Mizrachi trailblazer David Levy dead at 86

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also mourned the loss, stating, "We never agreed on everything, but I had always admired his view that [publicly serving] is a calling."

 Police disperse demonstrators during a protest against haredi IDF conscription in Jerusalem

What will final impact be of High Court hearing on haredim in the IDF?

If the court was being truly aggressive, it would have frozen all funds in April, or in mid-2023, when the prior law expired, or several years earlier, when other prior laws expired.

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