Israel ranked 30th best country for starting online business
Israel was found lacking in poor mobile Internet speed, lack of secure Internet servers and limited co-worker spaces.
By ZEV STUBA businessperson working at his computer (Illustrative)(photo credit: PIXNIO)
Israel ranked 30th out of 99 countries on a list of the best places to set up an online business, in a survey by survey looked at 20 categories of data, from GDP per capita and corporate tax rates to the number of social media, Internet users, and co-worker spaces by each individual country.The survey found that the majority of countries best suited for running an online business are located in Europe. Denmark came in first place, with a 78.5 total score, followed closely by Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the US. Israel scored 59.2.In a private discussion, a representative from the company broke down Israel’s scores. Israel scored particularly well for its share of the population with a finance account (92.81%), the percentage of its population that uses the Internet (84%), digital skills among the population, its economic freedom, the small number of procedures required to start up a business (three), the low number of days involved in starting a business (11 days), and the low cost when beginning a business.Israel also scored reasonably well for its broadband speeds (113.48 Mbps), the number of fixed-broadband subscriptions it has (29.12 subscriptions per 100 people), the percentage of its population using social media (70%), its Gross National Income per capita ($43,290), the percentage of its population that uses the Internet for online purchases/paying bills (50%), the number of countries that share its time zone (28), and its good logistics and postal development.Where Israel falls short, however, is its mobile Internet speeds (23.98 Mbps), its lack of secure Internet servers (11,116 per 1 million people), and its limited number of co-worker spaces (36). It is also limited to three of the most popular payment processing providers and has quite a high corporate tax rate (23%), the company said.