Six types of foods that can help stop your skin from aging

Everyone wants to stop their skin from aging. Instead of expensive creams, there’s an easy and simple solution and it is sitting on your plate.

Green salad with arugula and berries (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Green salad with arugula and berries
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

It’s no secret that many people, when searching for the fountain of youth, invest a lot of energy and money in creams with miracle promises of firmness, on facial injections and more. Yet we have powerful anti-aging sources we can get from our local greengrocer.

In our daily routine we’re exposed to air pollution, are under stress and eat sugars, oxidized oils, fried foods and fast foods that produce free radicals that damage our cells and interfere with the body’s ability to put nutrients and fluids into them, and at the same time remove toxins. Also, as we age, the skin becomes less rich in fluids so creases and wrinkles form. The skin looks dry and lifeless.

Antioxidants are wonder substances found in basic foods that can protect us, slow the rate of damage and make us feel lively and fresh inside and out.

Here are some foods that will help us look and feel fresh, and slow down the aging process.

Berries and red-purple fruits

Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and pomegranates, red plums and acais are some of the most powerful fruits and should be eaten fresh or frozen. In addition, it’s highly recommended to consume them without sugar that binds proteins and impairs cell function.

Purple fruits are considered to be those with the highest antioxidant index, called orac units, from which it’s advisable to consume a minimum of 1,000-2,000 units per day. In every 100 grams, berries contain thousands of these antioxidants. 

Also, these are fruits with a relatively low glycemic index. This means that they lower blood sugar levels and protect against damage caused by sugar.

Lettuce, herbs and green leaves 

Due to the high absorption of toxins from sprays, it’s recommended to buy these leafy vegetables from organic crops. Green leaves have two special phytochemicals called lutein and chlorophyll. 

Lutein is known as the "inner sunglasses" and specifically protects eyes from degeneration and sun damage that is mostly common elderly people. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that has the ability to protect and eliminate toxins from the body and even accelerate the healing of scars and wounds.


A farmer sifts cocoa beans in Ivory Coast (Credit: MARS Inc.)
A farmer sifts cocoa beans in Ivory Coast (Credit: MARS Inc.)

Not your usual milk chocolate, but cocoa-based chocolate, which hasn’t been roasted, is full of antioxidants and has some important benefits. Cocoa is one of the richest ingredients in orac units. If you want it to work, you avoid brands with sugar, preservatives and refined oils.


If spices seem to be something marginal in the nutritional value of the meal, be aware that cinnamon, tarragon, black pepper, chili, oregano and seasonings with ginger root or fresh turmeric add far beyond the flavor. Eat them fresh and store them in the freezer.

Foods with vitamin C

We use it to prevent winter colds, but this vitamin found in broccoli, squash, tomatoes, guavas, cabbage, spinach, kiwi and more is responsible for over 300 biological processes in the body, neutralizes free radicals and evens out hormone levels. It’s important to know that the vitamin tends to lose strength in frozen foods so it’s best to eat fresh vegetables and fruits.

(Credit: Ingimage)
(Credit: Ingimage)

Unroasted walnuts

The walnut king, which is similar in shape to the brain, does protect against the degeneration of this organ cell, and contains omega 3, an anti-lactic fatty acid which moisturizes the body's cells, improves the appearance of the skin, lifts mood and improves concentration.

To incorporate all these into your daily menu try something new at each meal. Also, remember to drink enough fluids to moisturize the skin and balance stress levels. Try not to eat sugars and preservatives, stabilizers and flavorings that disrupt the body's metabolism.

Almog Gold is a naturopath and nutritionist.