Macedonian minister receives antisemitic insults by ruling party activist
Vidana Boshkova Micevska, an adamant SDSM supporter, ethnically profiled Mizrahi on Facebook. After receiving backlash for her original antisemitic post, she countered with more hate speech.
By HANNAH HEPNERA view of Skopje, capital of North Macedonia.(photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Jewish and Macedonian Technical Minister for Labor and Social Affairs Rachela Mizrahi said that faces a slew of antisemitic comments from supporters of the current ruling party, the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia, according to local media.Merisha Smailovic, SDSM party advisor, said on social media that Mizrahi should give interviews with a Star of David rather than her own party’s flag, the VMRO-DPMNE.The Star of David is a symbol of Nazism, as Jews in Germany were forced to wear this yellow star under Nazi regime to identify themselves as Jews.Vidana Boshkova Micevska, an adamant SDSM supporter, ethnically profiled Mizrahi on Facebook. After receiving backlash for her original antisemitic post, she countered with more hate speech, suggesting that Mizrahi could also “move to Siberia,” if she doesn’t like these comments.The government’s media advisor, Zoran Bojarovski, liked Boshkova Micevska’s antisemitic comments online.Hristijan Mickoski, leader of VMRO-DPMNE, is angered by this hate speech and is insisting that the government apologize.“This hate speech on social networks is liked by Zaev's advisor, Zoran Bojarovski, who paid from public money to support antisemitism and to spread hatred among citizens. The hate speech spread by the SDSM in the style of the Nazis of the last century must end immediately. Nazism has been defeated by the Allies, a job that the Macedonian partisans have contributed and sacrificed, but apparently its roots remained in certain structures in the SDSM,” said another member of VMRO-DPMNE, Zaklina Pesevska, to Macedonian media. When leaders of the VMRO-DPMNE took to Facebook to claim that their opposing party uses hate speech and antisemitism, the SDSM countered the party fascists.The SDSM is now claiming Mizrahi incompetent, the media reported.“The Technical Minister of Labor and Social Policy after two days of work has shown incompetence and demonstrates that she does not know the new Law on Social Protection. The cash benefit is being transferred to 15 expert committees in public health institutions across the country and set up by the Ministry of Health,” said Milan Zivkovic to the local press.