Malawi president plans to move embassy to Jerusalem, MP tells ‘Post’

Christian MP Joyce Chitsulo was in Israel on an Israel Allies Foundation Chairmen's Conference trip.

 MP Joyce Chitsulo (left) with MP Robert Bimba in Israel in March 2022 (photo credit: AVI HAYUN)
MP Joyce Chitsulo (left) with MP Robert Bimba in Israel in March 2022
(photo credit: AVI HAYUN)

Malawi President Lazarus Chakwera plans to move his country’s embassy to Jerusalem, according to MP Joyce Chitsulo. 

“I would be lying if I told you a timeframe, but I hope the move will happen soon,” Chitsulo said last month during a visit to Israel as part of the Israel Allies Foundation's Chairmen's Conference.

Chitsulo is the local chair of her parliament’s Israel Allies Caucus, a pro-Israel caucus focused on supporting Israel through faith-based diplomacy. Its members believe in the biblical connection of Jews and Christians to Israel and stand for Israel as a result.

Chitsulo has held her position since 2019.

“I remember the president’s first national address, how he mentioned having an embassy in Jerusalem,” Chitsulo recalled. “That was very good, and I rose up and supported him.”

Since then, she said, she and her fellow pro-Israel parliamentarians have been riling up others to join the cause - both inside and outside of parliament. 

“We are recruiting others to make sure it is known to the president that he has political support for the move,” Chitsulo stressed. “Most Malawians would not complain, but there may be a small percentage who do. So, it is our duty to mobilize the people to support the president and give him the strength to move forward with the plan.

“If it is just a quiet dream, it may die. So, we have to continue to speak up about it.”

Christian MPs from around the world sign a declaration calling for Israel to be allowed to build where it wants to in Jerusalem. (Credit: AVI HAYUN)Enlrage image
Christian MPs from around the world sign a declaration calling for Israel to be allowed to build where it wants to in Jerusalem. (Credit: AVI HAYUN)

Chitsulo said that she has always loved Israel, but she only became politically active for Israel when she joined parliament in 2019. She received the caucus chairmanship because the previous chair was not reelected.

“Being a Christian, I believe in the Bible,” she told The Jerusalem Post. “I believe the Bible stories and I believe that as a Christian I am mandated by God to make sure I stand for Israel. God will bless those who will stand for Israel and so I feel compelled to do so.”

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Around 44% of the Malawi population is Protestant Christian, according to the World Atlas. Another 18% are Roman Catholic and 13% other types of Christians. Only 19% of the population is Sunni Muslim. 

The Israel Allies Foundation coordinates a network of more than 50 Israel Allies caucuses worldwide, including the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus, the Congressional Israel Allies Caucus, and caucuses in Europe, Latin America, Australia and Africa. Around 20 caucus chairs were on the March trip.