Letter: Iran opposition figure's son beaten

The wife of one of Iran's opposition leaders accused the nation's supreme leader Sunday of allowing violence and abuses to crush opposition supporters, including the alleged beating of her son during last week's protests.
Fatameh Karroubi claimed her son Ali was savagely attacked inside a mosque by hard-line militiamen amid a massive security crackdown during events Thursday marking the 31st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.
"They beat him up and insulted him along with other people arrested. This happened in a house of God," she wrote in an open letter to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appearing on prominent pro-reform Web sites Rahesabz and Sahamnews.
The Web sites also posted photos purportedly showing bruises across Ali Karroubi's back.
She said the country's rulers have resorted to "violence and cruelty" in attempts to wipe out dissent.