Finance C'tee chair Gafni: Netanyahu fooled me

Finance Committee chairman Moshe Gafni (United Torah Judaism) complained Tuesday morning that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu intentionally tricked him into passing the biannual budget in his committee and then hours later advancing the controversial IDF Conversions Bill which Gafni adamantly opposed.
During a heated meeting of the House Committee in which MKs voted to assign the IDF Conversions Bill to the Law and Constitution Committee, Gafni and fellow UTJ member MK Menahem Eliezer Moses threatened to take revenge on the coalition during Wednesdays plenum vote to pass the biannual budget.
"I worked hard for the pm and for the coalition to pass the budget through my committee, even though there were parts to which I was morally opposed, for the good of the coalition " complained Gafni.
Shortly after the House Committee meeting Gafni met with legal advisers to determine whether he could take the budget back off of the house floor to be reviewed by his committee, however he was told that he could not do so.
A serious Gafni promised that he would continue to look for ways to frustrate the budgets passage on Wednesday.