Al Jazeera: Israel's justice minister relies on us for news, shows we're necessary

Al Jazeera insisted that Justice Minister Yariv Levin relies on them for news on Gaza, showing that they are a legitimate journalistic organization and provide necessary information to the public in an appeal to an Israeli court on Sunday against the decision to ban them.

"The journalistic work that Al Jazeera does by providing a picture of the war and the negotiations interests the ministers of the government themselves, especially the justice minister, Yariv Levin, who said that he follows Al Jazeera in order to learn about the developments [in Gaza] because the government is not telling him anything. This is the best evidence that the field reports and information provided by Al Jazeera is within the journalistic framework and that people have the right to know, as has been established by international treaties," wrote Al Jazeera, according to Walla.

Israel Hayom reported last week that Levin told relatives of the hostages recently that the ministers were not being told much about the war, adding "most of what I know is from watching Al Jazeera, because I speak Arabic."