Kladios baths in ancient Olympia to be restored

The bathing complex was constructed in 100 CE on the site of a swimming pool from the 5th century BCE.

 Kladios baths in ancient Olympia to be restored. (photo credit: The Greek Ministry of Culture)
Kladios baths in ancient Olympia to be restored.
(photo credit: The Greek Ministry of Culture)

The Central Archaeological Council of Greece unanimously approved the restoration of the Kladios Baths in Ancient Olympia, according to Newsbomb. The approval includes the architectural preliminary study, geotechnical study, structural study, and study of building materials necessary for the project.

The Kladios Baths, also known as the Thermes of Cladeus, occupy an area of approximately 400 square meters and are located on the eastern bank of the Kladios River, a tributary of the Alpheus River, outside the western enclosure of the Sanctuary of Olympia. The bathing complex was constructed in 100 CE on the site of a swimming pool from the 5th century BCE. The complex includes rooms for hot baths (caldarium), warm baths (tepidarium), and cold baths (frigidarium). The floors of the rooms were adorned with mosaics, some of which have been preserved in good condition to the present day.

Part of the Kladios Baths complex did not survive because it was swept away by the waters of the Kladios River. Studies propose to recover the areas that were swept away to restore the monument's floor plan and recover sections of floors from the affected areas. The floors of the heated areas will be brought to the original level of use, and restoration of walls according to the ancient system of construction is planned.

A new access route will be constructed to the Kladios Baths complex, passing through the mosaic floors, warm areas, and the changing room of the Thermes of Cladeus, according to Archaiologia.gr.

According to Enikos, from 2002 to 2003, stabilization and maintenance work was carried out on the mosaic floors by the Directorate of Conservation of Ancient and Modern Monuments of the Greek Ministry of Culture. The enhancement of the latrine of the Thermes of Cladeus is planned, with the conservation of its ceramic elements.

The Greek Ministry of Culture continues its strategic plan for the restoration and presentation of the archaeological site of Ancient Olympia, with similar projects underway at the Baths of Leonidas, the Southern Baths complex, and the paleochristian basilica known as Phidias' Workshop, with a total budget of approximately 4,000,000 euros, according to iefimerida.

The archaeological site of Ancient Olympia is located in an area of gentle relief formed at the confluence of the Kladios River with the Alpheus River. The Kladios Baths monument was excavated by H. Schleif, who published it in 1944.

"The promotion of the buildings of the Roman period will give a new face and perspective to the archaeological site of Ancient Olympia," said Lina Mendoni, the country's Minister of Culture, according to Enikos. She emphasized the importance of upgrading the monumental unit and integrating it into the visitable archaeological site, thereby extending tours to monuments beyond classical antiquity and lengthening visitors' stays.

The article was written with the assistance of a news analysis system.