Sa’ar: No peace deal until all know we’re here to stay
Social Equality Minister Gamliel: ‘Enough of being politically correct; let us be biblically correct’
By GIL HOFFMANUpdated: OCTOBER 10, 2017 02:38Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) and Gideon Sa'ar (photo credit: REUTERS)
Former minister Gideon Sa’ar advised US President Donald Trump that an agreement between Israel and its enemies can only be achieved by persuading adversaries of the Jewish state to stop their efforts to destroy it.Sa’ar spoke on Monday to 26 parliamentarians from 15 countries worldwide at the Israel Allies Foundation’s annual Jerusalem Chairman’s Conference in Jerusalem, which was held in partnership with the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem and Bridges for Peace.“Peace in the Middle East will be achieved when they are convinced they cannot move the Jewish people from their land and from their capital,” Sa’ar said. “If they still have a tiny hope [that] they can push us from our land, it will be harder to achieve peace in our homeland.When it’s clear to them that we are here forever, then we can achieve the ultimate deal.”Sa’ar joined other Likud politicians who have criticized Trump for saying on Sunday that he wants to try and make peace between Israel and the Palestinians before moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.“Trump promised to move the American embassy to Jerusalem, and he didn’t promise it to us but to his voters, who know what is written in the Bible and know they have an obligation to strengthen the Jewish nation, which has returned to its homeland after so many years,” Sa’ar said.Social Equality Minister Gila Gamliel told parliament members that efforts to boycott, divest, and sanction Israel are the new antisemitism. She praised them for leading efforts in their countries against the BDS movement.“You are on the right side of history,” Gamliel said. ”Enough [of being] politically correct. Let us be biblically correct.”Gamliel was received on behalf of the Israeli government the chairman’s conference resolution, which calls on governments institutions and leaders around the world, as a matter of official policy, “to adopt the US State Department’s and the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism and thereby recognize that anti-Israel/ Zionist expression can be used as a means to convey anti-Jewish bigotry.”Minister Ruperto Long of Uruguay said differences between borders and nations do not justify boycotts and sanctions of goods produced in Israel in general or Judea and Samaria in particular.
“If we boycott anywhere, it would have to be done everywhere,” Long said. “If done only in Israel or its disputed territories, the word for it would be anti-Semitism.”Alan Clemmons, a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives who passed the first anti-BDS law in an American state legislature, said what unites the countries of all the conference participants is their support of Israel and the Jewish nation. His resolution has been a model for legislation passed across the US, and now is a model for governments across the world.