Palestinians holding violent protests throughout West Bank

Near Bethlehem, a 17 year old Palestinian identified as a volunteer paramedic was killed after being shot by IDF forces.

Palestinian rioters in clashes near Ramallah (REUTERS/Mohamad Torokman) (photo credit: REUTERS/MOHAMAD TOROKMAN)
Palestinian rioters in clashes near Ramallah (REUTERS/Mohamad Torokman)
A series of violent protests erupted throughout the West Bank on Wednesday.
Israeli media outlets are reporting that Palestinians are clashing with IDF forces in El Birah near Ramallah. According to Palestinian reports there are a number of injuries reported. 
Israeli border police throws tear gas during clashes near Ramallah (REUTERS/Mohamad Torokman)Enlrage image
Israeli border police throws tear gas during clashes near Ramallah (REUTERS/Mohamad Torokman)
In the same area, Palestinian students are protesting on behalf of Arab prisoners, following two incidents at the Ketziot Prison earlier this week. On Sunday, two guards were stabbed by Hamas inmates. The next day, another security prisoner tried to stab a guard with a blade. The incidents led to 14 injuries, including 12 prisoners. Seven people remain hospitalized: the two prison guards and five inmates.
The students said they are likewise protesting because of the "unwarranted" arrest Tuesday of three university students. The IDF has not commented on the arrest. Pro-Hamas activists at the university stated that the students identified with Hamas, according to Reuters. Three Palestinians were injured by rubber bullets and two were treated for tear gas inhalation.
Near Bethlehem, a 17-year-old Palestinian identified as a volunteer paramedic was killed after being shot by IDF forces during clashes with Palestinian rioters, according to Reuters. The IDF has not commented on the report except to say that it is investigating the incident.
Earlier Wednesday, a military jeep was set on fire by a molotov cocktail thrown by Palestinians during riots near Ramallah. The jeep incurred light damage, but no injuries were reported.