Antisemitism is hostility towards or prejudice against the Jewish people. Since biblical times, Jews experienced periods in which they were persecuted for refusing to adopt the religion and culture of the ... Read More
Students showcased solutions in a collaborative project of HIT Holon Institute of Technology and Adir Challenge Foundation.
Garland reportedly arrived at the Gordon Jewish Community Center wearing an obviously apparent fake beard, fake peyot sidelocks, black clothing and a hat.
The users would be banned from editing any topics surrounding Israel, following an investigation by the the Wikipedia arbitration board.
Given the UN’s declination to endorse the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism, CAM insisted that the definition is central to effectively combating antisemitism.
Anti-Israel protesters clash with London police, breaking route rules meant to protect Jewish worshippers on Shabbat.
Regular surveys will track antisemitic attitudes, with results integrated into existing UN anti-racism programs.
Police are investigating the Dover Heights incident that occurred before dawn.
Irish Chief Rabbi Yoni Wieder warned that Higgins' speech may "ring hollow for many Irish Jews" after he had "neglected even to acknowledge the scourge of contemporary antisemitism in Ireland."
Parroting classic antisemitic tropes, the Colombian president has accused Israel of controlling “international financial capital” and of silencing the global press
“We do not want the fans to glorify genocide,” said the Organization Secretary, Pablo Fernández, in a press conference.