The solution to the problems of Israel passes by education

First UNESCO challenge on July 7th, which called Hebron with his Patriarchal Tomb, in the West Bank, the 'Palestinian site' World Heritage. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called it a "delusional", promising that Israel would continue to guard the Tomb of the Patriarchs to ensure religious freedom to all. History can't be changed. Then, Friday's Muslim prayer in the old city of Jerusalem transformed into a 'blood Friday' with the assassination by three Arab Israelis, who surprised three police officers, killing two and the third seriously injured at the hospital. Hence Netanyahu's decision to close the site and the resulting massive protest by Palestinians. But the blood stream didn't finish here: a family exterminated by a terrorist in Halamish, during the celebrations of  Shabbat in own home. Finally, the attack to the Israeli Amman embassy in Jordan, where a Jordanian worker killed an Israeli security guard.
All this must add to an even more serious threat: Hezbollah. The so-called Party of God, born in June 1982 under the leadership of Hassan Nasrallah, has tens of thousands of highly available rockets capable of reaching the Israeli territory not only from Lebanon, but also from Syria. Yesterday morning the yellow flag of the terrorist group, which in Lebanon is also a political party, was hoisted in front of the Israeli Embassy in London. By doing so, day by day, the threat becomes more and more real and close.
Although Israel, with its antimissilistic radar systems and its equipment, will certainly have no problems, albeit with some initial difficulties in facing the Lebanese foe, Hezbollah has learned from Hamas to use human shields. Netanyahu's move would result in tens of thousands of deaths of Lebanese civilians; dead that would certainly not be well-received by international public opinion that is increasingly talking about 'boycotting' the State of Israel.
I meet yesterday the head rabbi of Jewish community in Milan, Rav Alfonso Arbib. "I don't feel to advise the Israelis about propaganda" - said the rabbi- "nor how to guide their own foreign policy, they will decide. What I can say is this: I have the impression that the educational factor has been overlooked and underestimated. In the Arab world, even in that not so hostile to Israel, there is a system that often teach to hate. It is something we never talk about, we didn't realize that this can form generations of people, future citizens with idea of ​​hatred. I think the battle, not so propagandistic, but an educational one, is crucial. I think it is necessary to transmit something else, we must make it clear that the world is more complicated than it is often represented, that situations are differents. We have to do it, whether it works or not. I don't know if the situation is now degenerate, because there has already been penetration of anti-Israeli propaganda ideas, but I think it is our duty to do so, regardless of the results".
Pope Francis, in the homily of Sunday, talking about Israel said that dialogue is the only way. The rabbi said about: "I think it is obviously difficult, but at the same time inevitable. I don't think the hope of dialogue can be lost. It would be terrible. Losing the chance of confrontation would mean living in a very ugly world. We have to try it, I don't know how and if will be a success, but nobody, no one of us can continues to live this way, in eternal conflict"